God calls us to grow and develop healthy relationships THROUGH Him and Him..
In our week# 7 ,of the DTS in YWAM San Jose .... Our students are learning biblical principles vrs the reality of our society ... to come in agreement to the heart of God ... the wonderful truth that He created us with the ability to relate .. We are relational beings ..
Here are some thoughts:
- One problem in the world is that Relatioships are not value. Relationships ARE possible (john 13)
- Choosing highest and best, means doing what is loving for the other person.
- Feelings are not love. Love is choosing what is best.
"Love isn't a feeling, because I'd be in love with the Dodge Viper"
3.Understanding Value
It can't just be "I feel" love. It has to be loving.
If I only love you in word, and not in deed and truth, I am not really loving you.
We have to get back to "integrated thinking"
You don't love the Lord, if you don't honour Him.
We can't live in community like we live individually.
Relationships are absolutely necessary.
Because Jesus came for no other reason than to restore relationships
As a religion, Christianity stinks. All we have is a man who came to life, died on a cross, rose again, and went to heaven.
Not a matter of self-discipline
Jesus suffered to make it possible.
Eph 2; Ps. 103
God brought us closer to him through the cross, which makes a relationship with Him possible.
What WAS removing me from God is gone! Jesus took it away from me.
" I am the righteousness of God". 2Corinthians
Love God / Love your neighbour as yourself/ Everyone thinks that love is the answer. And that is all that Christianity is! If you have a hard time serving God, it's because you haven't seen Him. Why do we share a commandment: I equal you, you equal me! God is the model, and we learn from that.
I am a witness to this .... God is the priority in my life .. Through the years .. has restored my relationship with Him so that I can be ready to share that love with my neighbor .... and not only but has come to complete a season in my life ... to prepare for marriage ... yes it is ... a big word .... But as a PLUS in my update ..... Tony last week .... my fiance , asked me the big question ... .. and I said yes .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I'm Engaged!!!
I hope with all my heart that you can be motivated today .... to walk into a life filled with good and wonderful God-honoring relationships.
Much love,
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