Despues de 3 meses, invertidos en conocer como estudiar y ensenar la palabra de Dios ( biblia), en la escuela intensiva de la Biblia, tengo el gran pirvilegio de trabajar ( servir) durante 6 meses con esta nueva escuela. Son 19 increibles estudiantes, apasionados y hambrientos por tener nuevas experiencias con Dios. Estan en esa busqueda de ser tranformados y desesperados por IR, y llevar las buenas nuevas de salvacion, al continente Europeo. Estamos en la semana 4, estudiando el Corazon Paternal de Dios, con nuestro maestro Jack Kody, de Carolina del Norte USA, lleno de amor y compasion.
Para un tiempo como este como inicio mi Blog ..... simplemente asombrada de cuanto Dios nos ama, me ama, nunca deja de hacerlo, y nos esta invitando cada dia a disfrutar de ese amor, con cada uno de estos chicos, en la vida del personal, y en mi vida personal. Es una de mis pasiones, el discipular jovenes, invertir mi vida, en ver otros mas siendo tranformados. Tengo en especial 3 chicas, hermosas, Hannah, Stefany y Jody, son mis unos a unos, han llenado mi corazon, ver su sinceridad de crecer, y buscar su sentido de pertenencia en Dios... su Destino.
Hannah quien hace una semana recibio al senor Jesus, como su unico salvador, tenia 19 anos, de ser una cristiana nominal, pero.. caminando en oscuridad, pero Dios, tenia planeado para este tiempo, en la vida de Hannah, el ser libre, el empezar una nueva vida en El y con El, ha empezado a caminar en la Luz de Cristo, en su verdad, en la identidad que tenemos en EL, como hijos y hijas.. de Dios. Asi como ella, cada uno de estos estudiantes, estan siendo sanados, restaurados, estamos sembrando en tierra fertil... en sus corazones.
UNIDOS COMO UNO... esta es la palabra que Dios nos ha entregado para este tiempo... asi como el padre y Jesus fueron uno... estamos caminando este principio.. cada semana.. durante clases, tiempos de ministracion, tareas diarias, tiempos de intercesion, descanso, recreacion, tiempos de ministerios, y preparandonos... para la cruzada en Europa... de poder llevar el amor de Dios... contenido en este principios UNIDAD,,,
"Los ojos de todos esperan en ti, y tu les das comida a su tiempo, Abres tu mano y llenas de bendiciones a todo ser viviente, Justo es Jehova y misericordioso..." Salmos 145:15-16
Tiempo de Adoracion .. Time of worship..
Un liderazgo de servicio.. a servant Leadership
Hannah and I...
Confession and prayer time..
Bautizos.. New life in Christ
Tiempo de Adoracion .. Time of worship..
Un liderazgo de servicio.. a servant Leadership
Hannah and I...
Confession and prayer time..
Bautizos.. New life in Christ
After 3 months spent in learning how to study and teach the word of God (Bible), intensive school of the Bible, I have great pirvilege to work (serve) for 6 months with this new school. There are 19 amazing students, passionate and hungry for new experiences with God. In that search they are being transformers and desperate to go, and bring the good news of salvation in the European continent. We are in week 4, studying the Father hieart of God, our speaker is Jack Kody, from North Carolina USA, full of love and compassion.
For a time like this and start my blog ..... simply amazed at how much God loves us, loves me, never quits, and we are inviting every day to enjoy that love, with each of these guys, in
For a time like this and start my blog ..... simply amazed at how much God loves us, loves me, never quits, and we are inviting every day to enjoy that love, with each of these guys, in
and in my personal life. It's one of my passions, the young disciple, invest my life, but still see other transformer. Especially I have 3 girls, beautiful, Hannah, Stefany and Jody, are my one to ones, have filled my heart, seeing their sincerity to grow, and find their sense of belonging in God ... Destiny.
Hannah, who last week received the Lord Jesus as their only savior, was 19 years, from being a nominal Christian, but .. walking in darkness, but God had planned for this time in the life of Hannah, being free, start a new life in Him and with Him, has begun to walk in the Light of Christ in his truth, in the THE identity that we, as sons and daughters .. of God. Just like her, each of these students are being healed, restored, we are planting in fertile soil ... in their hearts.
UNITED AS ONE ... this is the word that God has given us this time ... well as the father and Jesus were one ... we are walking this principle .. each week .. for classes, ministry time, daily tasks, times of intercession, rest, recreation, ministry times, and getting ready ... for the outreach in Europe ... able to bring the love of God ... Content on this principles UNITY,,,
"The eyes of all wait upon you, and you give them food in due time, open your hand and full of blessings to every living thing is righteous and merciful Lord ..." Psalm 145:15-16
Hannah, who last week received the Lord Jesus as their only savior, was 19 years, from being a nominal Christian, but .. walking in darkness, but God had planned for this time in the life of Hannah, being free, start a new life in Him and with Him, has begun to walk in the Light of Christ in his truth, in the THE identity that we, as sons and daughters .. of God. Just like her, each of these students are being healed, restored, we are planting in fertile soil ... in their hearts.
UNITED AS ONE ... this is the word that God has given us this time ... well as the father and Jesus were one ... we are walking this principle .. each week .. for classes, ministry time, daily tasks, times of intercession, rest, recreation, ministry times, and getting ready ... for the outreach in Europe ... able to bring the love of God ... Content on this principles UNITY,,,
"The eyes of all wait upon you, and you give them food in due time, open your hand and full of blessings to every living thing is righteous and merciful Lord ..." Psalm 145:15-16
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